How Do Binaries work together? What breaks ABI?

For two (dynamic) libraries to work together they need: API compatibility ABI compatibility If you have correct function, parameter names, and are able to access it (itโ€™s not private) then youโ€™re good. The compiler validates if classA is using the correct Programming Interface from classB ๐Ÿ‘ˆ API (Application Programming Interface) Example of API usage struct House { var address = Address(streetAddress: "1100 Happy St.") } struct Person { var address = Address("1100 Sad St....

October 20, 2024 ยท 10 min
Difference between an app bundle and a binary

Whats the Difference Between an App (bundle) and a Binary

A binary is the final product from linking all your source code. Itโ€™s executable. You can run commands against it. An app, is merely a wrapper / directory, which includes that binary and other things. How do you create a binary? First itโ€™s important to understand what a binary is. Youโ€™ve used them every day in the terminal. Examples: ls, cp, mkdir. You pass certain parameters to them. They donโ€™t have any file extension....

March 28, 2023 ยท 3 min